koji berry

koji berry

Monday, January 13, 2014

I took a difficult decision, should I repeat it?

It has been a while. What happened? Lrrr was ill for a week in December, then I caught a cold, and I was busy writing some job applications, then the holiday season came.

Lrrr gave me a beautiful paint set from Winsor&Newton for my birthday.

I also made an important decision to halt an application process as a process engineer for an engineering company (I mean not a production company). An agency asked if I would try the position. I did the interview. After the interview I sent message to my parents, pray in a church, and called the agency to mention the decision. There. Done.

Now I am sitting with the same thought: my PhD advisor offered me a postdoc position in his lab. Although I would like to do research (also as postdoc), thinking about doing research with the same professor who knows me from deep inside, whom I know from deep inside, is rather disturbing. I know him too well, and our hierarchy has been carved by years of working together, that it will be difficult for me not to see him as the almighty boss.

But a job in research is a job in research (is it?)

Ok, I need to meditate further about this. Now I want to share some drawings. I have been inspired by Heleen Cornet who made beautiful watercolor paintings of the rain forest of Saba Island. She spent several weeks in a tent in the forest to make the paintings. I admire her capability to capture the colorful shades of the forest. You can see the banana tree and heliconia that I made based on internet pictures.

Maybe I need to go outside and bring my paint set with me.

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